:: Time Pieces Hand Crafted by Hobler and Son
Francois Hobler (1727-1794) (alias John Francis Hobler) was a
watchmaker in the neighbourhood of Soho Square. His workshop
was based in Porter Street in Newport Market, London. He
migrated from Switzerland to London sometime after 1729 but
it is not known if he migrated as an adult or as a child.
Subsequently this grey area in history makes it difficult to
pinpoint when and where he apprenticed. What is known, is
that Jean Francois Hobler married in London in 1753 and began
making time pieces prior to 1761.
Although he
traded as a watchmaker, he does not appear to have been a member
of the Clockmaker's Company, which regulated and maintained the
art of horology (timepiece creation) in London.1
His son on the other hand, Jean Paul Hobler
(1754-1795) (alias John Paul Hobler) was made an honorary freeman
of the Clockmaker's Company in 1770.
and clockmakers felt under threat from increasing imports from the
continent and so the Company decided to round up non-members,
whose position or influence in society, they felt they might be
able to use in their various political campaigns. Paul Hobler was
one of them, and so he was offered the freedom."2 |
The Wakefield's
Merchant and Tradesman's General Directory for London (1790) lists
the pair as trading under the name Hobler & Son from 1776-1800
(note that both men died in the mid 1790s).
watches were of an exquisite quality often blending Huguenot
silver techniques with traditional watchmaking. A watch by
Jean Francois Hobler (Francis Hobler) was listed as a 1913
addition in the catalogue of the Dennison Watch Collection
(the collection was sold by Christie's in 1961). The watch
does not appear in the Christie's sale catalogue suggesting that
it may have been disposed of prior to the sale.6
to date suggests that Jean Francois Hobler signed his creations as
J. Fra Hobler or Relboh.3
It is understood that Jean Paul Hobler signed his watches and
clocks as Paul Hobler.4
According to
Library records held by the National Association of Watch and
Clock Collectors (USA) Francis Hobler was listed as a master to
Thomas Lewis apprentice watchmaker, St. Ann's (5 December 1761)
and again as a master to Laurent Little apprentice watchmaker St
Ann's, Westminster (14 May 1762). Son Paul is listed
in the British Apprentice Records 1710 to 1810.7
Catalogue of Watches/Clocks
in 1786 by Jean Francois Hobler (1727-1794)

Photographs courtesy of John
Krucher (2006)5
1. Sir
George White (Keeper) The
Clockmakers' Museum, Guildhall, Aldermanbury, London ENG.
(March, 2006)
2. ibid.
3. Dennison
4. Baillie, G. H. (1929) Watchmakers and
Clockmakers of the World; Hobler, Paul. London. 1770 CC.
1781-90. (gold striking watch); Hobler, Francis. London (Porter
St.) an. 1761-90. Also sold Relboh (Hobler reversed), Watch
Dennison Collection. (source details courtesy of Ethan Kalemjian
(Administrator for Metalwork) Victoria
& Albert Museum, London ENG)
5. Thank you to John Krucher (USA) for his
photographic submissions. (March, 2006)
6. Information courtesy of Mr. P. Buck of the British
Museum (Horology), March 2006
7. Correspondence between John Krucher (USA) and
Don Dahlberg (Volunteer) National
Association of Watch and Clock Collectors (NAWCC)