Please note that the family tree is currently housed off-site at Tribal pages.
Names and personal details of the living are not displayed on the database. If your details are listed (such as date and place of birth) please assume that this is an honest mistake. To remove your details simply email and the database will be updated accordingly.
The database is a work in progress. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Family lines have been compiled as a guide only and discrepancies are inevitable. Please self verify when and where applicable. Enquires and additions are always welcome.
Click Here to view the Database
The information that appears in the family database is the result of a combined research effort by a dedicated group of Hobler descendants and fellow research associates including, both living and late: Liisa Hobler, Ocker Creelman, Mary Patch, Royalene Anderson, Glynis Turner, Andrew Hobler, Kimber Wright, Doug Fursdon, John W. McCoy, Jack Higginson, Catorina Fursdon, Minnie Hobler, Jill Grindlay, Ken Holladay, Isabella Simpson, Dulcie Robertson, Tim Serisier and Gianluca Salvatori. Sincere thanks are extended to all who have contributed to the development of the current database.
Research Contacts :: Hobler (& Associated Families)
A list of individuals currently researching the Hobler (& or associated family) lines. Note that researchers are listed in no particular order. If you would like to add your name to the list or update a current listing please email the applicable details.
Erica (AUS)
Hobler & Hubler (including all associated lineages)
1500s to present day FRA SWZ ENG USA & AUS
Liisa Hobler (AUS)
Hobler & Hubler
1500s to present day FRA SWZ ENG USA & AUS
Mary L. Patch (USA)
Kimber Wright (USA)
Glynis Turner (AUS)
Turner (including Hobler)
Royalene Anderson (AUS)
Turner (including Hobler)
Margaret LaGue-Hobler (USA)
Hubler & Hobler (Durs Hubler)
aka Durst Hobler, born possibly Batterkinden, Bern, SWZ
Has extensive information on his descendants in the USA
Ken Holladay (USA)
Hobler (JFH Hobler lineage)
descendants of Lillian Hobler
This site utilises the British format of day-month-year (dd/mm/yyyy) as well as country and state abbreviations. Click Here for further details.